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Re: sid: libc6-2.2.5-4 kills vmware workstation 3.0

On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 08:25:47PM +0200, Jeroen Dekkers wrote:
> This problem is very common for non-free software. If you want to
> avoid such problems, you could try one of the free alternatives in
> Debian, plex86 and bochs. Those might have other problems (like being
> slower) but you probably won't have the same problems you're having
> now. We can also help you with problems you are having with plex86 and
> bochs. If you insist on using vmware, we can't help you, you should go
> to the vmware guys when you've got problems.


Suggest free alternatives, yes.

Offer help for the free alternatives, yes.

Blow off the non-free software user, no.  If you have nothing to offer
by way of help with vmware itself, then your silence will be enough to
indicate that.

Jeroen, I do not appreciate you speaking for the project in this way.  As a
member of the Debian project who believes firmly in the whole of our Social
Contract, I cannot comprehend what makes you think you can throw about "we
can" and "we can't" in blatant disregard for:

	"We will support our users who develop and run non-free            
	 software on Debian ..."

If you have personal problems with the Social Contract's allowing that our
users may use non-free software, get it changed.  And regardless, give a
cordial answer to the non-free software user and lose the thinly-concealed
hostility: "If you insist on using ... you should go ..." is dripping with
it.  Does the user insist?  Have you evaluated his requirements?  Do you
know for certain that he's not turning to vmware as a last resort?

And to the original poster, if you are actually reading this and have not
long ago given up, wearied by the petty bickering your innocent request has
spawned, my sincerest apologies for the manner of my colleague.  I am sure
you are aware that in a volunteer organization it takes all kinds, with
diverse, and often conflicting viewpoints.  While I value Jeroen's
contributions in other areas of this project, he clearly does not speak
for all of us.

Ben Armstrong
    nSLUG       http://www.nslug.ns.ca      synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
    Debian      http://www.debian.org       synrg@debian.org
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