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Re: inappropriate racist and other offensive material

On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 02:13:13PM +0000, Sean Neakums wrote:
> commence  Reagan Blundell quotation:
> > Am I the only one who finds it odd that people are complaining about
> > offensive jokes in the BitchX package.. yet they have no problems
> > using software that has a quite obviously derogatory sexist name?
> Just out of curiosity: what term do you use when referring to female
> canines?

Yes, and I'm sure the 30 or 40 times a week I hear the word "Bitch" on
TV and in the street is due people referring to canines. Given todays
society, and the sort of culture that seems to be popular on many of
the larger IRC servers, I'd be willing to bet that the creators of 
BitchX weren't referring to canines either.

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