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Re: Bug#134658: ITP: lsb -- Linux Standard Base 1.1 core support package

On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 08:13:13AM -0800, Wichmann, Mats D wrote:
> It's now too late to change
> that for versions 1.0 and 1.1 of the LSB specification 

I know no one's going to actually listen to me here, but it bears
repeating: this is quite simply wrong.

It's our spec. We can do whatever we like to it. We can declare that
packages written by people whose middle name has an odd number of
letters were never intended to comply with the specs, and issue updates
to both version 1.0 and 1.1 tomorrow to say that. No one is going to stop
us. We're not going to be thrown in prison. We're not going to have our
editors or our web pages taken away from us.

More to the point: we're not even going to annoy anyone. Of the
distributors who've started trying to conform to the LSB, *none* of them
will have to change anything. Any application developers who've been
writing LSB packages will be pleased to have been informed of what they
have to do to make sure their programs actually run on Debian. People
writing test suites will have one less thing to try to test, so they'll
be overjoyed.

We could do this tomorrow, and _no one_ would have any cause to complain.

Of course, the *real* lesson to learn from this is *NEVER* *EVER* to
make an official release without having a thorough round of reviews and
actually resolving all the issues that're raised, no matter how long
this takes. The uid-of-user-bin issue was raised as soon as we saw the
form that section took, which unfortunately was immediately after the
1.0 spec was published, and during the review period for the 1.1 spec.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
We came. We Saw. We Conferenced. http://linux.conf.au/

  ``Debian: giving you the power to shoot yourself in each 
       toe individually.'' -- with kudos to Greg Lehey

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