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Re: cross-compilers

On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 06:35:41AM -0800, William Lee Irwin III wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, William Lee Irwin III wrote:
> >> What happened to the cross-compilers?
> >> I've got a ds5k/200, sun3/60, and ss1 I'm trying to build kernels for
> >> and the mipsel, m68k, and sparc cross-toolchains have vaporized.
> >> Any chance versions suitable for building kernels will appear anytime
> >> soon?

> On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 09:20:34AM -0500, Christopher C. Chimelis wrote:
> > Not unless someone is willing to maintain them :-)  Seriously, though, I
> > stopped producing cross-assemblers from the binutils package because they
> > caused unduly long build times on slower architectures with minimal gain
> > (it was unknown just how many people used those packages, especially since
> > I've only gotten about five questions about their disappearance to date).

> Hrm? Why would the slower architectures bother? The cross-build is to
> build on speedier arches, no?

If you upload a binutils-mipsel package to the archive that's arch: any 
(or arch: !mipsel), that means the autobuilders will try to build it on 
all other architectures -- including m68k and arm, even though no one in 
their right mind would use an m68k or arm machine to build binaries for 
mipsel. ;)

Uploading cross-building packages that are

  arch: i386 powerpc sparc alpha hppa ia64 s390

might be a better idea -- /if/ someone wanted to maintain them.  And if 
things don't crash&burn now when going between 32 & 64 bit 
architectures, like they did last time I tried to build a 
cross-compiler for alpha->anything.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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