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Re: Bug#133790: dhcp-client continues running after removal

On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 09:50:25PM -0500, Eloy A. Paris wrote:
> Chris,
> This is one that I am actually not sure how to handle. The problem is
> that dhclient is not being started by a script in the dhcp-client
> package (like /etc/init.d/dhcp-client or something like that.) It is
> being started by ifup or by the PCMCIA scripts (/etc/pcmcia/network.)
> I suppose I could kill any dhclient running upon removal, but that
> might cause problems with the PCMCIA stuff or the ifup/ifdown stuff.
> People in debian-devel: suggestions?

Perhaps you could list PIDs of running processes and offer to kill them
with due warnings given.  Is there any way to detect if the current IP
info was derived from dhcp-client or another method?

Actually I learned that killing dhcp-client did not delete my IP info (which
was good!).  Of course, on reboot I would have had trouble.

Christopher J. Fearnley     |   AdminForce Remote, LLC
cjf@AdminForce.net          |   President and CTO
http://www.AdminForce.net   |   Design Science Revolutionary
               "Dare to be Naïve" -- Bucky Fuller

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