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ITP: slash -- Slashdot Like Automated Storytelling Homepage

Package: wnpp
Version: N/A
Severity: wishlist

Description: The code that runs Slashdot
 Slash -- Slashdot Like Automated Storytelling Homepage -- is an architecture to
put together web sites.
 It comes with functionality for posting articles, conducting polls, having discu
 and can be extended in innumerable ways.

(c) Rob Malda <malda@slashdot.org>, Jonathon Pater
<pater@slashdot.org>, Patrick Galbraith <patg@osdn.com, Chris Nandor
<pudge@osdn.com>, Brian Aker <brian@tangent.org>, Cliff Wood
<cliff@slashdot.org>, Jamie McCarthy <jamie@mccarthy.vg>

Licence is GPL.

It was downloaded from http://sf.net/projects/slashcode

I uploaded a beta version of the package along with all needed packages that currently are _not_ in debian at


Since our current release is potato, the package was also built for potato.

All the packages are apt-gettable in you include in your /etc/apt/sources.list the next line:

deb http://people.debian.org/~ericvb/slash potato main

Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT     "Hay tampones y tampones..." (Eva Serrano)
        \_|_/           Av. Santa Engracia, 54
       \/   \/          E-28010 Madrid - tfno:+34(91)2041100
a n d a g o  |--        http://www.andago.com
       /\___/\ 		"Innovando en Internet"
        / | \           eric@andago.com

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