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RE: Bootable CD

	How is it possible to switch CD during and Linux installation if you
have a file mounted in a loop device?
	How can Red Hat do this? What Debian do to switch CDs?
	If I'm running a GUI application in a bootable CD how can I change
the CD and still run the application?

-----Original Message-----
From: Wouter Verhelst [mailto:wouter@debian.org]
Sent: sexta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2001 16:26
To: BERNARDES,JOAN (Non-HP-Brazil,ex1)
Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
Subject: RE: Bootable CD

On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, BERNARDES,JOAN (Non-HP-Brazil,ex1) wrote:

> 	Yes, I have used syslinux to boot the CD, but my initrd.gz it's the
> problem. I don't know how to mount the real root in the CD after starting
> initrd.
> 	Do you know where is the initrd in the Debian cd? I found the
> root.bin in the CD , but I tried to move to a floppy using rawrite and dd
> but I still can't mount the floppy.

That's because it's not a filesystem image but a gzipped filesystem image:

wouter@rock:~$ file root.bin
root.bin: gzip compressed data, deflated, last modified: Sun Apr 15 02:22:49
2001, max compression, os: Unix
wouter@rock:~$ gunzip -S .bin root.bin
wouter@rock:~$ file root
root: Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data

And this is a root-filesystem. You can mount it using the loopback block
device (so that you don't need a floppy of ~3MB ;-) :

mount -o loop -t ext2 root /mnt/whatever
ls -l /mnt/whatever

You will need support for the loopback block device, though (no idea
whether default Debian kernels provide that).

wouter dot verhelst at advalvas dot be

"Human knowledge belongs to the world"
  -- from the movie "Antitrust"

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