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Re: md5sums and verifying package contents

> I'd written some scripts that found all packages which contained corrupt 
> files outside ot /etc and replaced those files from the local debian mirror. 
> Would you need such a thing? I could make that into a package called 
> "debrepair".

I think it might be useful. How does it detect corrupt files? md5sums?
If so this is what debsums does. And it can optionally check
configuration files as well... if this is very similar, it might make
more sense to just add a "reinstall broken packages" option to debsums?

> I think you may file bugs with normal severity to those packages. Are not 
> md5sums required? That is my opinion of course but those sums are more than 
> handy on a system which lots of coders use.

It is not required by current policy, and the list of packages without
debsums is very long. On my system alone there are about 200 packages
without md5sums.

My personal feeling is that the usefulness of md5sums is greatly reduced
by the fact that one cannot depend on them. Simply reporting wishlist
bugs against hundreds of packages seems like the "wrong" solution - if
we decide we want this, I reckon it should go into policy?

Hugo van der Merwe
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