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Re: LSB Spec 1.0 Criticism

Previously Steven Hanley wrote:
> see maximum rpm "Since every step depends on the user making decisions, the
> best way to handle them is to not handle them at all. Let the user do it! "
> (http://www.rpmdp.org/rpmbook/node112.html#SECTION031243000000000000000)

I'm quite aware of that. However you have to realize there is a *big*
difference betwen the package format, and the policies used when making
packages. In this case both package formats (deb and rpm) allow
packages to ask qusetions, but Debian policy allows you to do that while
Redhat policy does not allow that.

> Applications should be provided in the RPM packaging format as defined in the
> appendix of Maximum RPM, with some restrictions listed below. [1]
> and nowhere on that page does it say which version of maximum rpm the LSB
> uses. it just linsk to a website with the book.

If you look closer at the beginning of the LSB document you will
find it lists version 3 of the RPM format. The fact that that is not
repeased in that section is a bit confusing.


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