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Re: Unstable X can't find font "fixed" dies immediately.

On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 11:50:40AM +0100, Nick Phillips wrote:
> Fair enough, but from the angle I was coming from there was no indication
> that I should do that. I explicitly requested the 75 & 100dpi packages but
> forgot about -base. A user less familiar with Debian and X would probably
> not have been very likely to figure out what the problem was. Not very
> quickly, at any rate.
> IMHO the fact that you don't really really really require xfonts-base in
> order to have a working system is not sufficient to justify the decision
> not to depend on it. There are so many situations in which it will be
> required, even for someone who usually uses a font server, and the additional
> size when compared to the overall size of an X setup is so small as to justify
> a dependency.
> So, just a suggestion.

So, sure -- just have everything de facto Depend: on the xfonts-* packages,
and then we don't even need the pseudopackages at all.

And if you do need to save space for some reason by not having fonts
locally installed, well, screw you buddy.  dpkg --force-depends and kiss
apt goodbye.

Brilliant solution.  Has it occurred it you that anyone besides yourself
actually gives thought to things?

Has it occurred to you to read the Debian X FAQ?  Has it occurred to you
that the very novice users you claim to be sticking up for will be
getting the x-window-system-core metapackage installed when they install
woody, if they select any GUI-related tasks?  And that therefore they
will have xfonts-{base,100dpi,75dpi)?

Or do you commonly just cook up "solutions" to problems that only exist
by virtue of your own ignorance?

That's what I thought.


G. Branden Robinson                |    It's like I have a shotgun in my
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    mouth, I've got my finger on the
branden@debian.org                 |    trigger, and I like the taste of
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    the gunmetal. -- Robert Downey, Jr.

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