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Hi All,

Red Hat's su has always had the ability to preserve the user-doing-su's
DISPLAY and Xauthority configuration data so that the user-su'ed-to has
access to the X display of the original user (if any). In /etc/pam.d/su
the line that does it is as follows:

session    optional	/lib/security/pam_xauth.so

My Debian sid though doesn't have a pam_xauth module and a apt-cache
search for pam+xauth gives nothing at all. Ideas? It's really nice and
saves time to "export DISPLAY=...; export XAUTHORITY=..." every time I
su to some other user and need X.

Apparently this is not part of the standard Linux PAM distribution (I
have 0.72 on both), I think it is written by somebody at Red Hat. Is
there interest to see this packaged? Any arguments against doing X
session forwarding at all?


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