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Debian Developer Wannabe...


As the subject says, I'm a developer wannabe... I've got my key signed by
Anders Hammarqvist (iko@debian.org) so that's fine.. I've been thinking on
adopting the gap package, since I'm a maths student interested in algebra.

I take it I don't have to be a registered developer to adopt packages?
That'd be quite a catch 22 problem...

Basically I'm wondering where to head now, I've read the maintainer's
guide and the developer's reference...


Martin Sjögren
  md9ms@mdstud.chalmers.se       ICQ : 41245059
  Phone: +46 (0)31 405242        Cell: +46 (0)739 169191
  GPG key: http://www.mdstud.chalmers.se/~md9ms/gpg.html

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