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Re: Bug#104021: New List Request: debian-guile

>>>>> "JL" == James LewisMoss <jimdres@mindspring.com> writes:

    Evan> Requesting a list primarily for Debian developers creating
    Evan> packages that use Guile, such as libraries or programs with
    Evan> Guile embedded. 

    JL> Can we generalize this to debian-scheme since it's likely to
    JL> be low volume anyway?

I'm skeptical. Is there enough in common between the multiple (>5?)
Scheme implementations in Debian, that it would make sense to
coordinate the effort?

If this was the case, then debian-scheme could be something like the
debian-emacssen lists or the debian-java lists, which coordinate very
similar* implementations of Emacs or Java systems.

But my impression is that there is not the same kind of similarity
between Scheme systems on Debian. In fact, not only do I think it's
not possible, but I doubt that anyone would even be interested in such
an endeavor.

Therefore, I don't see much use in having a list for _all_
Schemes. Would it be to discuss Scheme programming? There's already
comp.lang.scheme and myriad other forums for that. To flame each other
over which Scheme is best? Again, lots of other places for that.

If the idea is to save some space on the mailing list subscription
page -- a noble goal -- I think we might be getting ahead of
ourselves. Why don't we wait until there ARE lists like debian-bigloo,
debian-mzscheme, debian-mitscheme, etc., to consolidate, before we
prematurely consolidate them?

In closing, early generalization is the root of all evil. B-)


* OK, KINDA similar. B-)

** Heh heh heh. He said "cons".

Evan Prodromou
"When I hear the word 'generalize', I reach for my revolver."

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