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Re: [vulture@aoi.dyndns.org: Bug#100744: Binary should be in /usr/bin, since it's useful to non-admins.]

On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 09:01:47AM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> > > From what I gather, the situation is more like "If we move it we'll
> > > break compatibility with a zillion scripts and make everybody hate us".
> > 
> > Could anyone with one of these alleged scripts please step forward?  I
> > find it difficult to believe there is one let alone zillions.  That whole
> > argument smells like FUD to me.
> And nobody can explain why a symbolic or hard link won't work around that.

Well, in that case it just comes down to stubborness on the part of the
package maintainer, and there's not much you can do, short of taking the
matter up with him.

If you do convince him to move the file to /usr/bin, let me know, and
I'll do the same thing with traceroute6.


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