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potato backport packages

I just uploaded a set of potato backport packages to
ftp://ftp.valinux.com/pub/people/wichert/ . The packages are divided
in two categories:

* kernel24, which has packages you need to run a 2.4 kernel. The only
  really needed package is modutils, the rest is only needed to use the
  extra features that 2.4 offers.
* ldap, which has OpenLDAPv2 packages with TLS support enabled. These are 
  needed if you need to use LDAP3 or TLS with LDAP.

The apt sources.list line to get these is:

  deb ftp://ftp.valinux.com/pub/people/wichert/debian potato/backport kernel24 ldap
  deb-src ftp://ftp.valinux.com/pub/people/wichert/debian potato/backport kernel24 ldap

Please note that these packages have only been tested briefly, so it
is likely there are some bugs. Please report those to the
va-debian-users list or to me directly instead of filing bugreports to
the Debian BTS.

Known problems / things to check:

* the kernel image packages might need to be redone, I haven't had the
  opportunity to verify them yet. Please note they are tuned for VA
  hardware and don't include the full set of drivers that the normal
  Debian images have.
* there might be a problem with changing the password for other users
  when using LDAP accounts.
* the SASL non-US modules might not work correctly; this is supposed to
  be fixed in the latest unstable version, I need to verify if the
  problem also occurs in the backport
* Ben Collins just uploaded a new openldap package to unstable, and the
  changelog mentioned a TLS related patch. Need to verify if that needs
  to be added to the backported package as well.
* there are only i386 packages. Since VA only sells i386 hardware
  and I don't have the time to rebuild everything for multiple
  architectures I am not going to recompile them. However if other
  people do I will gladly add them to the archive.


 /       Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool     \
| wichert@cistron.nl                  http://www.liacs.nl/~wichert/ |
| 1024D/2FA3BC2D 576E 100B 518D 2F16 36B0  2805 3CB8 9250 2FA3 BC2D |

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