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Re: RFA: 3dchess, cccd, gq, grpn, gsnes9x, gtimer, gtkbrowser, gtksee, gxanim, razzle, vgacardgames, vgagamespack, vstream

Hallo! Du (Robert Edmonds) hast geschrieben:

>i just don't have time to maintain all these packages.. i know some of them
>have been presumably adopted but apparently a new version was never uploaded
>as these are still listed on www.debian.org/devel/people. i will however
>continue to provide quality (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=83427&repeatmerged=yes) gaim and gaim-gnome packages.

i nearly missed this, because the packages were only mentioned on the
Subject. Thanks to Peter to file the wnpp-bugs.

Meanwhile i adopted gq (see #87151), and the new version should pop up
in the mirrors today. 11 bugs squashed with it.

Cord Beermann   cord@Wunder-Nett.org (Privat)
Multitasking mit Windows *ist* möglich. Es ist aber auch möglich, mit einem
Boot durch die Wüste zu rudern...
	-- Christoph Eunicke (christoph@wwgym.de) in dasr

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