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Re: hosts, resolv setup?

On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 11:55:30PM +0100, Svante Signell wrote:
> No hits at debian-user, trying debian-devel.
> Can someone explain to me how to set up /etc/hosts and
> /etc/resolv.conf for ssh (and similar programs) _not_ to search for my
> local network host names using the external nameservers in
> resolv.conf? 
> The local network is built up with NICs. I'm not using bind on my
> debian host. It's installed on the gateway, but I dont think its
> configured correctly. (Is bind really needed? In case, how to
> configure bind correctly? Pointers?)

I just stumbled for a extremely neat solution for that: 'dnrd' is a very simple 
that is slim enough to install it on any machine where the /etc/hosts 
configuration is not flexible enough. It simply handles a list of local host 
as a master DNS server and forwards anything else flexibly to any other DNS 
server which can be configured on-the-fly. (e.g. depending on what connections are 

dnrd is packaged in Debian. (IMO, with 'dnrd', there should be hardly any reason 
to install 'bind' at all in a standard network with not too many machines.)


-- ______________________________________________________
--          To Him, even that machine here has to obey...
-- _________________________________Norbert "Nobbi" Nemec
-- Hindenburgstr. 44  ...  D-91054 Erlangen  ...  Germany
-- eMail: <nobbi@cheerful.com>   Tel: +49-(0)-9131-204180

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