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Re: Developer Behavior

On Tue, 09 Jan 2001 20:40:05 +0100
Andreas Fuchs <asf@acm.org> wrote:

> >> > 1) This situation does not stop a running machine from working, it
> >> > will only stop it from booting.
> >> Oh, well, as long as THAT'S all it is...
> > Heh, it's not like you're rebooting a Linux box more than one a year
> > anyway....
> Only applies if you use unstable on a production server (or a
> calculatron of similar designation), and You Shouldn't Do That,
> remember? (-;

There's absolutely nothing in particular wrong with using unstable in
production.  It's brave, but not necessarily wrong.

However, I think the point here is that if anyone has actually lost
any money over this problem, then they are not being thorough enough
with their testing and changes to their production environments.  In
this case, someone should introduce them to project planning.  Or just
ignore them and allow them to learn from their mistakes or lose their
job or get killed in a sweet irony when they apt-get upgrade the
software on their car navigation/auto-drive system without testing it
first.  Muhahaha!

Perhaps this is partly due to the statements plastered all over debian
that "apt-get upgrade always works perfectly with no problems".  I
think these messages should stop, perhaps replaced with "apt reduces
the hassles of upgrading tremendously".

No-one should trust the Debian developers to do a perfect job; no
matter how hard they can try they are still human, and hence they can
make mistakes, deliberately sabotage systems, and even sell out.

If you want to be able to trust it, then buy an insurance policy from
a company (also known as a support contract with penalty clauses).
Debian doesn't stop anyone from offering that.  Failing that, just use
commercial software.  You'll be safe ... until the economic bubble
bursts and all the money is gone.

On the other hand, if you want freedom and the Zen Buddhist
satisfaction that you're behaving unselfishly and helping the world
even when it's painful, then use free software.  Nothing ventured,
nothing gained, nothing lost.  Just unselfish and harmonious growth.

> Next post is on topic. I promise.

Why?  Off-topic discussions can sometimes lead to interesting
cross-references and more well rounded and philosophically complete
developers :)
Sam Vilain, sam@vilain.net        WWW: http://sam.vilain.net/
GPG public key: http://sam.vilain.net/sam.asc

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