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Re: Questionable conffile handling in connection with debconf

On Thu, Nov 30, 2000 at 06:30:44PM -0500, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> As I understand
> policy (see the excerpt at the end of this message), conffiles should never be
> modified in maintainer scripts.  Configuration files should be distributed as
> part of the package (either as conffiles or not), or else created and managed
> by maintainer scripts, but not both.  

If a configuration is shipped as part of the package it *must* be declared
as a conffile, otherwise the user's changes will be lost on upgrade. But
otherwise, yes.

> Quoth the Policy [section 4.7.3]:
> This implies that the default version
> will be part of the package distribution, and must not be modified by the
> maintainer scripts during installation (or at any other time).

Thus you should file a serverity: serious bug against these packages, and
they need to be fixed before release.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

     ``Thanks to all avid pokers out there''
                       -- linux.conf.au, 17-20 January 2001

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