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no more update-alternative links for Perl

I've had a few people try it out (and find packaging bugs) and the new
update-alternatives free Perl packages are ready.

This does completely remove all alternatives found in the Perl packages
and doesn't follow the users preferences.  This is by design.  There is
only one Perl for Debian: 5.6.  5.005 and 5.004 are just there so that
production systems don't have to worry about new Perls.

I will upload packages implementing this by noon GMT, 1 Dec.  There were
some thoughts to having an option to abort the install after tell the
user the paragraph above.  No one on debian-perl seemed to think this
was very important.  Unless I hear otherwise, I'm going to assume that
this is true...

<torin@daft.com><http://www.daft.com/~torin/> <torin@debian.org><perl@slut.org>
Darren Stalder/2608 Second Ave, @282/Seattle, WA 98121-1212/USA/+1-206-ELF-LIPZ
@		     Make a little hot-tub in your soul.		      @

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