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Re: Linux Expo Amsterdam

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Armijn Hemel wrote:

> On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Bas Zoetekouw wrote:
> > Hi J.A.!
> > 
> > You wrote:
> > 
> > > The Linux Expo Paris (2001/01/31-02/02) website is up already and lists
> > > Debian as one of the exhibitors[1], so it might be possible to get a Debian
> > > booth in Amsterdam too. Given the number of Debian people in .nl, I guess
> > > there'll be someone willing to do some inquiries and organization. 
> > He told me that if we want a booth there, we should contact him.
> Checked it with the organisation, you guys can have a booth...just let me
> know who will be `responsible' for it and I'll do what JINI promises:
> Simply connect ;-)

Excellent! I would like to participate, but I'd rather leave the organizing
part to someone with more experience (I've never even had the opportunity to
visit any "real" trade show before). Well, I guess I could step forward if
nobody else does, but then I'd like to know in advance that I won't be running
that booth all on my own... ;-) 

Ah, I see that linuxexpoamsterdam.com has just come live. And the brochure
(.pdf) at http://www.linuxexpoamsterdam.com/EN/exhibitors_center/ already
mentions (p.5, col.2) that Debian _can_ be present in the "association space".
Well, we'd better not disappoint them ;-)

  Anne Bezemer

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