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There seems to be a lot of confusion in the list right now.  Let me
clarify a few points:

1. Debian GNU/Linux does not inlucde non-free and never has.  My
proposed General Resolution will have no effect on the distribution.
This bears repeating.  This GR will have NO EFFECT on the distribution.

2. Section 4.1 of the Constitution specifically gives us (the
developers) the power to carry out this action.

3. None of the promises originally made will be broken by it.

4. Debian was created with the cause of creating a free operating
system.  So says our Constitution.  Distributing non-free software
falls outside that definition, and the spirit of our organization.

5. Not distributing non-free software does not mean that non-free
software cannot be easily used in Debian.

6. This proposal is made on my own accord and does not represent the
interests of any other party.  I advance it because I believe it is
the best for Debian.

7. Item number 1 in the Social Contract is "Debian Will Remain 100%
Free Software".  This is right.  It's what we're about.  We're not
about non-free.

8. This proposal does not break any promises or goals laid out in the
Social Contract.  It does only alter the mechanics by which they are
carried out.

9. Much effort has been made to ensure that the delta to that document
is as small as possible.

10. The Social Contract is not intended to be, nor can it be,

11. My proposal does not ban the use of BTS, mailinglists, or other
Debian infrastructure -- short of actually distributing the software
-- from being used for the continued maintenance of non-free software.

12. My proposal does not require that non-free be removed from
potato.  That decision is placed with the DPL, release manager, or
archive managers as appropriate.

John Goerzen

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