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Re: we need more variation for conffiles

>>"Atsuhito" == Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@pm.tokushima-u.ac.jp> writes:

 Atsuhito> Perhaps you think mainly of the cases where a conffile is 
 Atsuhito> broken by accident, but I think mainly of the cases where
 Atsuhito> a maintainer refines a conffile in a smart way and it needs
 Atsuhito> to replace the old conffile with the new one in order to
 Atsuhito> use the refined capability.

        Then make the upgrade smart enough to do it using
 configure-<packagename>, and tell the user to run that to move over
 to the new way of doing things in order to get the new functionality.

        Backward compatibility is also smart.

        If I am upgrading a hundred or so packages (which happens for
 machines tracking stable), AND am on a time schedule, redoing a
 gazzillion packages is not something I would appreciate. 

 Atsuhito> Sorry but I do not know the meaning of the phrase 
 Atsuhito> "a different kettle of fish", would you please someone
 Atsuhito> tell me the meaning :)

        Sorry. It means "a different matter altogether".

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Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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