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Re: Debian FreeBSD

And thus spake John Goerzen, on Tue, Apr 27, 1999 at 08:33:38AM -0500:
> The same as for using FreeBSD itself: it's got a nasty BSD license.

Er, the BSD license is still DFSG free, last I checked. And many of
the BSD zealots have a somewhat good argument that the BSD license
is less restrictive and more open than GPL.

I hope any _real_ issues that are pushing for using a non-standard
BSD libc are not simply anti-BSD-license related - Debian FreeBSD
without compatibility with the mainstream FreeBSD distro would be
the logical equivalent of us forking off our own incompatible libc
in Debian Linux and dropping any intention of trying to maintain
compatibility with other Linuces.

Elie Rosenblum                 That is not dead which can eternal lie,
http://www.cosanostra.net   And with strange aeons even death may die.
Admin / Mercenary / System Programmer             - _The Necronomicon_

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