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Re: [PATCH] latest ash has broken 'echo' command

Anthony Towns writes:
> Then the Single Unix Specification is broken, and we shouldn't follow
> it. Seriously, -e and -n are expected features of echo on GNU/Linux
> systems, no matter what the Single Unix Spec might or might not say.

'-n' and '-e' are mentioned in my 1985 copy of _Unix Shell Programming_.
'-n' is mentioned in Kernigan & Pike's _The Unix Porgramming Environment_,
in Bourne's _The Unix System_ and in the _Unix Programmer's Manual_ for the
Seventh Edition.

> Dropping them shortly before freeze seems an insane thing to do too,

I can't see that it is a good idea to drop them at all.  They are part of
Unix, no matter what the SUS says.
John Hasler                This posting is in the public domain.
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