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Re: [debian-devel:10336] lintian error ?

Sorry, I found that this problem is discussed on 
debian-devel@lists.debian.org. I have read that list via netnews,
so when I wrote previous mail at off-line, I don't know that.

In <[🔎] 19990909165340D.xlj06203@xlj06203.nifty.ne.jp>,
 at Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 17:02:15 +0900,
  on Subject: [debian-devel:10336] lintian error ?,
   Taketoshi Sano <xlj06203@nifty.ne.jp> writes:

> I am using dpkg, and checked it's code, and found
> that  dpkg-deb/build.c has following:
>   if (!(c1= m_fork())) {
>     m_dup2(p1[1],1); close(p1[0]); close(p1[1]);
>     if (chdir(directory)) ohshite(_("failed to chdir to `%.255s'"),directory);
>     if (chdir(BUILDCONTROLDIR)) ohshite(_("failed to chdir to .../DEBIAN"));
>     execlp(TAR,"tar","-cf","-",".",(char*)0); ohshite(_("failed to exec tar -cf"
>   ));
> Does this "tar -cf - ." generate "./control" into control.tar.gz ?
> If so, then does lintian have to be modified so that it can handle 
> this situation.

I wonder if this code

>     execlp(TAR,"tar","-cf","-",".",(char*)0); ohshite(_("failed to exec tar -cf"

is changed into

     execlp(TAR,"tar","-cf","-",pointer_to_files,(char*)0); ohshite(_("failed to exec tar -cf"

with the searching, finding, and setting the value for pointer_to_files 
which includes the filenames in DEBIAN directory.

If modification of lintian is difficult, it may be easier to change 
the dpkg's way. of course if lintian is easy to be fixed (or already fixed ?)
we does not have to change dpkg then.


  Taketoshi Sano: <sano@debian.org>,<sano@debian.or.jp>,<kgh12351@nifty.ne.jp>

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