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Re: You can do root raid NOW...

On Mon, Aug 16, 1999 at 08:30:16PM -0400, Michael Alan Dorman wrote:
> I understand why you think in these terms, but there's a much easier
> way of doing things that works *NOW*, using the current Debian
> install.
> Install onto a small (20-64MB) partition.  Install Debian on it.
> Reboot, set up your RAID devices.  Reboot again into single user mode.
> Copy the contents of the small partition to the raid device.  Change
> your configuration so that the small partition will now be /boot.
> Modify your /etc/lilo.conf appropriately.  Run lilo.  Reboot

Alternatively: install linux onto one hard disk, create a degraded RAID1
on the second hard disk, copy the linux install onto the RAID partition,
and add the first disk into the RAID group. This way also lets you spend
some time convincing management you actually do need that "extra"
disk... You will need a small /boot or a floopy for the kernel.

Mike Stone

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