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Bugs and New Maintainers

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(This is a quick shot from the hip... so it's not as polished as it
should (possibly) be)

There has been talk of a freeze to the acceptance of new maintainers
(yes, there *has* been talk about this... I do *not* know if it's
actually being done right now.)

Anyway... one of the reasons given why it might be beneficial is that
there are many bugs (release-critical bugs even) in the current potato
tree.  And adding new maintainers with new packages would only
aggravate this situation.

I'll not go into why this is (partially) flawed...[1]

Now, I have a proposal to make which makes the bugs of newly added
packages a non-issue.  This combines nicely with Richard Braakman's
plan to make a list of packages that will automatically be thrown out
of the release if they contain any "release-critical" bugs on the time
the release is to happen.[2]

I'd simply put *all* the new packages added after a certain date (of
whichever priority) also on this list.

So, if a new maintainer adds a package which is freshly packages from
some upstream source, this package will *automatically* be removed
From the dist upon cutting the release if it contains any bugs that
*would be* release-critical ("Important" or higher).

How's that sound?

Bye, J

[1] This assumes that a majority of new packages will have
(release-critical) bugs...  which is disputable.

[2] What this list looks like is not the topic of this mail... but I'd
say all the packages of "Optional" and "Extra" priority would be
likely candidates (with the possibility to except certain packages, of
course).  But I digress...

- -- 
Jürgen A. Erhard      eMail: jae@ilk.de      phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
         My WebHome: http://members.tripod.com/~Juergen_Erhard
           "Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book;
           inside of a dog, it's very dark." --  Groucho Marx
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