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Re: on debian-win32 (WAS Re: Is there a Open Source Windows Software Archive?)

> Porting free apps to Windows (and thus indirectly supporting
> M$-stranglehold on the `market') is bad enough.
So what does free in this term anyway? Is software that requires
a non free OS to run really free? You may redistribute this "free"
software as you like but this doesn't make sence since you will
need Windoze to run it. I think this is dicriminating all the
people not owning a M$ licence since they cannot run it. If you 
like to create a Win32 based Debian distribution all from main has
to be moved to contrib (IMHO).

> But using Debian's ftp archives for the purpose of supporting Windows
> is really not in Debian's best interest (IMNSHO).  Debian doesn't have
> any business supporting non-free OSes (which also includes
> debian-solaris or debian-beos, for example).
That's exactly my opinion.


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