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Re: Moving contrib and non-free of master.debian.org

On Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 04:25:41PM +0200, J.H.M. Dassen did spake thusly:
> On Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 08:47:21 -0500, Brian Servis wrote:
> > As a user I find it hypocritical to do this without having EVERYTHING that
> > Debian uses on it mail servers, web servers, search engines, graphic
> > formats, etc. be of DFSG quality. 
> I still feel the pragmatic approach is the best, but for the PGP, glimpse,
> and qmail cases, it may be that the time is come to switch to a free
> alternative.

The pragmatic approach is just as hypocritical, if not more so. You've
basically said it's ok for debian to be pragmatic while telling the users
they should not be pragmatic and instead rely on only software which
conforms to the DFSG. That is hypocricy, pure and simple.

I'm not a developer, but rather just a user, but from the outside looking
in there's nothing worse than a person or organisation that doesn't
practice what it preaches. In my opinion, debian should either do without the
non-free software, or stop suggesting other people shouldn't use non-free
software (and in the case of this server move, it seem actively trying to
make it "harder" to do so). If the FSF can do it, I see no reason why Debian
shouldn't bite the bullet, make the sacrifices necessary, and do it too.

Need I quote the Debian social contract that states:

"4. Our Priorities are Our Users and Free Software"

This does not say "Our Priorities are pragmatic and technical". Instead it
places freeness ahead of any technical superiority. Unless I'm mistaken,
all developers are required to "agree with and pledge to uphold the Debian
Social Contract", which makes me wonder how this non-free software got on
the debian servers and has remained there for so long? Some people
obviously haven't taken their pledge seriously...

I'm not saying non-free software is right or wrong, I simply think it
absurd that debian can be running so much of it behind the scenes while
taking steps to distance itself from it in its more public face.

I'd say that at the moment, it would appear that the Emperor has no

- Shane King.

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