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Re: Draft DFSG version #6

On 09-Feb-99 Gregor Hoffleit wrote:
> Umm, wait a moment. When I read the draft once again, I got the
> impression that it will make non-us, but currently DFSG-free software
> non-free.

Certainly not the intent.

> The problem is that the draft doesn't talk about the license of the
> software, but about the software itself. 

It's partially wording.  It sounds more like lawyer-speak and not
common-man-speak to say, "The license must allow anyone..."  as opposed to
"Anyone must..."

> Maybe a solution is to add to the list of accepted restrictions (3),
> restrictions that are put up on the software by local laws,
> i.e. restrictions that the author has no control over.
Maybe.. or maybe a statement in the "use" column.  I'd have to think about it a
bit more, but I"m tempted to say that "foobar" is non-free if the source
is not available even if the laws of the author make it illegal for him to
distribute the source.

Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
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