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Re: When a source package splits into two

Craig Small wrote:
> G'day All,
>   I'm now maintinaing the djtools package, which has an interesting problem;
> it doesn't really exist.  What does exist is hptools and djscript which are
> two separate programs written by the same author.
> Should I split the debian packages into two or just keep them all in one?

Is there a reason for splitting?  In former times I also maintained
two packages that I included into one (dosfstools were mkdosfs and
dosfsck).  I don't see a reason for not keeping them together except they
do different things and should be logically separated.  If they belong
together why not keep them that way.

If you split, please make sure to file a bugreport against ftp.debian.org
to remove the old package.



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