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intent to package linklint

Source: linklint
Section: non-free/web
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Sudhakar Chandrasekharan <thaths@netscape.com>
Standards-Version: 2.4.1

Package: linklint
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Description: Fast HTML link verification tool
 Linklint is a perl shareware program that checks all local and remote
 links on a web site. It works with Perl 4 or Perl 5 on Windows and Unix
 If you like linklint and want to pay for it, see
 /usr/doc/linklint/docs/ordering.html for information on ordering.

 "I saw this in a movie about a bus that had to speed around a city,
keeping its speed over 50, and if its speed changed, it would explode!
     I think it was called, 'The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down.'"
                       -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n   http://people.netscape.com/thaths/   Indentured Slave

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