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Re: RETRACTED msql 2.0.3-4

Martin Schulze <joey@kuolema.Infodrom.North.DE> writes:

> >    * Added pre-dependency for passwd to msqld as its tools are used
> >      in the preinst.
> Does anybody object?

My original objection was going to be base around the fact that passwd
is Essential, but it turns out it isn't, my bad.  I'd hate to be part
of the current `Let's make foo Essential: yes and part of the base
system, in fact let's make it the kernel' trend, but wouldn't it make
some sense to make passwd Essential as it is the only sane way for
maintainer scripts to add/remove/toy with users?
> The problem is that the _preinst_ might use the programs useradd and
> groupadd.  These are not in the base system nor essential.

No, they _are_ part of the base system and they _are_ Priority:

> Is there another way to solve this?

Possibly not.

~Yawn And Walk North~

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