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Re: strange man behavior

On Mon, Mar 30, 1998 at 09:15:56AM -0500, Dale Scheetz wrote:
> I hear what you are saying, but it doesn't speak to my question. How does
> any of this make it inappropriate for a man browser to suggest/recommend
> the manpages package?
> I'm not trying to make you responsible for the problem, but I don't see
> why you are so opposed to fixing this little nit in this fashion? So far
> you haven't addressed the issue, but only talked about other, unrelated
> issues.

Probably I didn't succeed in showing my thoughts.
I'm not opposing to fix that little thing.
I just say that as no package installing a manpage should be made dependendet
(or even suggest) a man-browser, as well no man-browser should recommend some
package installing manpage.
This is after policy.
man-browsers aren't needed to read manpages (groff instead is; I, for example,
use less as a secondary manpage reader), so man-db has no need to recommend or
suggest any manpage because it provides several by itself (and this should 
suffice its usefullness), while none can say which manpages a user want to
have installed in its system (why manpages and not manpages-de ?)

On another side, "info" package doesn't recommend/suggest any package
installing some info docs, or even it doesn't recommend a man-browser (this
could be a bug, because info calls man to display manpages).

I hope my english be enough plain to express the concept.

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