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Re: Initial draft proposed constitution (v0.3)

On 22 Mar 1998 john@dhh.gt.org wrote:

> > Richard just tells me that you may talk of MUD, too, but I'd prefer IRC.
> I'd prefer an asynchronous medium.  Good luck getting ten developers on irc
> to debate and vote on proposals.

Actually we already have about 15 (about 30 drop by from time to time). I
think it would be fairly simple for someone on IRC with a good proposal to
get the pre-requist seconds in about a day. 

I'd guestimate that about 20%-30% of the active developers have been seen
in #debian. The entire Deity team has been there and about 60% are
regulars, all of debian-admin@ is there as well.

Joey has a page of all the name->nick translations but I don't have the
URL handy..


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