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Re: Dealing with bugs fixed in non-maintainer releases (was Re: List of bugs that *must* be fixed before releasing Hamm)

jdassen@wi.leidenuniv.nl wrote:
> No objections here. However, I think we must agree on how to handle the bug
> reports; the situation is like this:
> - Non-maintainer releases should not close bug reports
> - We don't have a "Severity: fixed" yet.

There's really no problem for a lot of them, becuase the lintian-produced
bugs mostly have a ciritical and a non-critical component. I fix the
critical component, and then send a message to control@bugs, downgrading the
severity to normal, and cc it to xxxx@bugs, and list my non-maintainer
release diff there. I think that covers all my bases quitre nicely, with a
single email.

> I propose that these bugs, when fixed by a non-maintainer upload, have their
> severity lowered to "normal". Thus, they can be properly closed when the
> maintainer does a new upload (as intended by policy), and they don't get in
> the way of the release any longer.

see shy jo

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