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Re: Joost Kooij <kooij@mpn.cp.philips.com>

On Thu, 19 Mar 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

> On Thu, 19 Mar 1998, Santiago Vila wrote:
> > > 		main		contrib		non-free	total
> > > [ ... ]
> > > total		853Mb		 27Mb		 93Mb		973Mb
> > 
> > 1. My local mirror says main has 516,860 K and contrib 26,302 K.
> >    Am I missing anything?
> Whoops. Mine, too. I think Ian counted binary+source. That way my
> copy adds up close to Ian's figures.

Maybe you ran "du -s" on binary-i386, forgetting binary-all?

I can't reproduce your numbers, because I don't have a mirror here, but I
just doublechecked the scriptlet that I used, even wrote two replacements
that create an intermediate list for checking that the script matches the
correct sizes to the right packages. Also, I checked that randomly chosen
packages from the output list and the original Packages file do have their
size matching with the actual packages in the archive. 

Here's another go, correct me if the script is buggy:


#!/usr/bin/awk -f
$1 == "Package:"  { pkg = $2 }
$1 == "Priority:" { pri = $2 }
$1 == "Size:"     { siz = $2 }
/^$/ { printf( "%-20s %-15s %10d\n", pkg, pri, siz ) }

script2 (processes the output of script1):

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
$2 == "extra"     { extra += $3 }
$2 == "important" { important += $3 }
$2 == "optional"  { optional += $3 }
$2 == "required"  { require += $3 }
$2 == "standard"  { standard += $3 }
END { printf( "extra    : %10d\n",extra );
printf( "important: %10d\n",important );
printf( "optional : %10d\n",optional );
printf( "require  : %10d\n",require );
printf( "standard : %10d\n",standard ) }

Still, this gives me (for today's main Packages from nonus.debian.org):

extra    :   36183316
important:    5948600
optional :  429839700
require  :    5798946
standard :   37598006

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