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menuentry format (change?) (Was: Bug#15182)

In an attempt to save the world from disaster, Joey Hess wrote:
> joost witteveen wrote:
> > Yes I have, but then I wouldn't be able to mix old and new syntax any more.
> Do you think perhaps we could get rid of old syntax at some point in the
> future? Like debian 2.1? If there were a lintian check for the old syntax, I
> think it would vanish quite quickly.

Ah, nice idea.

An easy test would be something like

   head -n 1 $MENUFILE | sed -n -e '/^[^?]/p'

(if it's got zero output, it's new syntax, otherwise it's old).

On the other hand, I could also do some extra work, and say that
the old/new syntax are not allowed to be mixed in one menuentry file
(not very likely anyway). My preference then would be to make an
empty line a seperator between the menuentries, as in


tag3="or world"

tag2="It's getting boring"
tag3="It must be clear now"

?package(mypackage):tag1="this is it"

I don't like to make the "?package(" string a seperator for the menuentries
for two reasons:

  - it's rather counter-intuative. At least I cannot think of anything
    similar anywhere else -- usually the end of a section is denoted
    by eighter a newline (sh), a ";" (C, pascal, whatever).
    Or you have grouped things like "{}", "begin/end", "<a> / </a>"

  - I would like to be able to extend the current syntax to things like

      ? package(mypacage) && package(herpackage): ....

      ? !package(hispackage): ...

      ? file("/usr/bin/bash"): ...

      ? time() > 946684800 : command="echo welcome to the next milleneum" ...

    i.e., between the "?" and the ":" a simple test for update-menus, whether
    or not to include the concerning menuentry. This would not be possible
    if "?package(" would be the string to start a new menuentry.

joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org

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