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Intent to package...

I intend to package ...


(actually, I did these tonight - just waiting for master - you can
 snarf 'em off of http://www.jimpick.com/ if you are anxious)

plus...  tomorrow...

gnome (version 0.13) - which is a whole slew of packages

gnome-libs: libgnome, libgnomeui, gtk-xmhtml, gnome-hello, libgtktty
gnome-core: gsm (session manager), gemvt, help-browser, panel 
gnome-admin: gulp (printer util), linux-conf, logview
gnome-games: freecell, gnomine, same-gnome, scottfree, aisleriot, phaser-chess
gnome-graphics: eeyes
gnome-objc: obgtk, obgnome
gnome-utils: genius, gncal, gtop, gtt, cromagnon, find-file, notepad

Conspicuously absent: guile-gtk, network-utilities, mouse-properties,
                      keyboard-properties, background-propertie

There are some overlaps with other packages (ie. eeyes) that
have been merged into gnome.  I'll probably be making lots of the
gnome packages available for adoption once I get done with 0.13.


mico (I've got a package with some problems on my site now)

kaffe+kore (the non-transvirtual one - I don't want to wait for their
            license on their next release, or we'll miss having some
            free Java inside Debian 2.0)

gnuwin32 cross-compilers (I took it over from Klee, but never
            managed to make a release yet.  GNU-Win32 beta 19 has been
            released now, which is very cool)

And the big one ...

dwww - it's just going to be a big bug-fix cleanup.  I've got some big
       ideas for the next generation version, but it still needs further
       development and investigation.

Don't bug me about the JDK - Stephen Zander <gibreel@pobox.com> has taken
that monster over from me.

It's going to be a fun next 3 days.  :-)


 - Jim


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