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Re: kernel or syskold not supporting flavours


	How does klogd determin the running kernel version? There are
 onle a few authoirtative methods to do it; parse /proc/version or
 uname -r; and both these report the version number with flavours. The
 kernel knows that it's version number is 2.0.33-std.

	The document in question is appended.


	     Multiple flavours of the same kernel version
             ======== ======== == === ==== ====== =======

	There is an expressed need from people to have several
 alternative flavors of a single kernel version around. It is
 certainly useful to have a backup flavour of a kernel version around
 when one is experimenting with device driver variations (it may not
 be possible to run a different version of a kernel and hence have
 that as a backup). 

	Unfortunately, this is more complicated than it initially
 appears, since the presence of possibly incompatible modules has to
 be addressed.

	Firstly, the modules from different flavours have to be
 installed in separate directories, the modutils have to be made aware
 of this alternative dorectory, and also, the kernel (and klogd)
 should be able to load the right set of symbols from a System.map
 file (which are different enough in different flavours that klogd
 refuses to load the wrong one).
	The proper way to address this may well be to modify the
 kernel version in some fashion (Note: this would involve modifying
 the kernel source's top level Makefile). Unfortunately, SUBLEVEL
 needs to stay numeric (and under 255, as far as I can tell), so it is
 a wee bit more complex than just modifying the SUBLEVEL variable.

	The solution seems to be to add a FLAVOUR field to the end of
 UTS_RELEASE, which uname then reads properly. As of 2.1.47, this
 variable is used purely for output purposes (nothing seems to parse

	This way, the user has to modify the kernel Makefile (an sample
 patch is provided below) to read, say, "FLAVOUR := speed_hack", and
 the kernel would be installed as /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.30-speed_hack, the
 modules would be installed under /lib/modules/2.0.30-speed_hack,
 uname -r would report the version as 2.0.30-speed_hack.

	The patch provided below is from the Makefile for 2.1.47
 kernel, and may not apply cleanly on other Makefiles. It is
 recommended that you use it purely as a guideline, and modify the
 Makefile manually. 

	This effort has been based on the ideas and work of Bill
 Mitchell <mitchell@mozcom.com> and Noel Maddy <ncm@biostat.hfh.edu>. 

--- Makefile.dist	Mon Aug  4 12:18:57 1997
+++ Makefile	Mon Aug  4 12:24:55 1997
@@ -2,6 +2,22 @@
+# This is an example only: Uncomment the FLAVOUR line below and name
+# this flavour.
+# If you want to have more than one kernel configuration per kernel
+# version, set FLAVOUR -- it will be appended to UTS_RELEASE in
+# version.h (separated by a hyphen)
+#FLAVOUR = speed_hack
+ifneq ($(strip $(FLAVOUR)),)
 ARCH := $(shell uname -m | sed -e s/i.86/i386/ -e s/sun4u/sparc64/)
@@ -244,7 +260,7 @@
 	@mv -f .ver $@
 include/linux/version.h: ./Makefile
-	@echo \#define UTS_RELEASE \"$(VERSION).$(PATCHLEVEL).$(SUBLEVEL)\" > .ver
+	@echo \#define UTS_RELEASE \"$(VERSION).$(PATCHLEVEL).$(SUBLEVEL)$(INT_FLAV)\" > .ver
 	@echo \#define LINUX_VERSION_CODE `expr $(VERSION) \\* 65536 + $(PATCHLEVEL) \\* 256 + $(SUBLEVEL)` >> .ver
 	@mv -f .ver $@
@@ -289,7 +305,7 @@
 	@( \
 	cd modules; \
 	MODULES=""; \
 	inst_mod() { These="`cat $$1`"; MODULES="$$MODULES $$These"; \

 The essential ideas of Algol 68 were that the whole language should
 be precisely defined and that all the pieces should fit together
 smoothly. The basic idea behind Pascal was that it didn't matter how
 vague the language specification was (it took *years* to clarify) or
 how many rough edges there were, as long as the CDC Pascal compiler
 was fast. Richard A. O'Keefe
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

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