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Re: Directories contained in more than one package, without --force-overwrite

> Philip Hands wrote:
> > I just noticed that both ppp and fetchmail contain /etc/ppp as a directory, 
> > and this causes grief if when not using --force-overwrite.
> What? I wasn't aware --force-overwrite applied to directories at all. Just
> take a look at how many packages contain /usr on your system (dpkg -S /usr),
> and it seems clear it's not an error to have 2 packages containing the same
> directory. And all those packages containing /usr install fine without
> --force-overwrite.

Well, I just got bitten by it now that I'm using dpkg_1.4.0.20, so I would guess that either there is a way of marking a directory as shared, or this is a bug in dpkg.  Does anyone know which is the case ?

Cheers, Phil.

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