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Re: help a developer install hamm ?

On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, G John Lapeyre wrote:

> 	I can't find a doc on how to install hamm.  The disks-i386
> directory is a link into bo, which is missing, for instance libc6 .  Do I
> uninstall each base package and install the base packages from hamm ?

Install the base system from bo.  Fetch the upgrade script or package from
{ftp,http}://stormcrow.ml.org/pub/debian/autoup/ and run it, then point
dselect to a hamm mirror and finish installing.  Portions of my Mini-HOWTO
at http://www.gate.net/~storm/FAQ/ should help in solving any other

Scott K. Ellis <storm@gate.net>                 http://www.gate.net/~storm/

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