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Debian [potato/slink] equivalent of RH packages for building Mozilla

I was poking around the Mozilla site when I came across
http://www.mozilla.org/build/unix.html which are the instructions for
building Mozilla.  The gtk+ packages listed there are all in rpm
format.  I did a bit of research and came up with the following list of
equivalent Debian packages.  Could some knowledgable soul tell me if
this list is correct?

RH		Debian
glib-devel	libgtk-dev
glib		libglib
gtk+		libgtk
gtk+-devel	libgtk-dev

1. If glib.rpm = libglib.deb, shouldn't glib-devel.rpm be = to
glib-dev.deb ?

2. What is the difference between gtk+ and glib?  Why does RH provide
seperate -devel.rpm for both while Debian seems to have one -dev.deb
which seems to provide both?

3. The build instructions page says that version 1.1.5 or higher of gtk+
and glib is required.  Would the Debian equivalent be in potato?

"See, Marge.  Who needs a car wash when you can just drive around in
                 the rain?" -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n   http://people.netscape.com/thaths/   Indentured Slave

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