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Re: RH and GNOME

On Tue, Jul 21, 1998 at 09:35:31AM +0200, fog@irfmn.mnegri.it wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 21, 1998 at 02:18:22AM -0400, Shaleh wrote:
> > Well, the rpms I have seen place their contents in
> > /usr/local/enlightenment.  So.....

Yikes!  What were they thinking?  More reasons to use Debian :-)

> And don't forget the f r e s h m e a t Alan Cox's editorial, where
> he says that LSB needs a standard package format (why?) and that
> format can be RPM... (is LSB going to be a subset of RH?)

IIRC, the whole point of the LSB is to make it so that binary packages
will work equally well on any distribution without recompiling or
modifying their installation image.

In this case, it's not necessary to have one package *format* (I would be
rather annoyed if I had to switch to RPM after learning dpkg...) since
it should be relatively easy to make the package *tools* understand
each other.

Personally, I think the onus is on RedHat to make RPM understand .debs,
because they are really doing a disservice to their users with that
horrendous contrib archive, when we've got all the packages that anyone
could ever possibly need, with actual quality control, bug tracking,
and so on...

Plus of course, the little-publicized (outside of Debian) fact that .deb's
can be extracted on any Un*x system, while .rpm's can't.


          David Huggins-Daines - bn711@freenet.carleton.ca
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