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Re: Hamm Bug Stamp-Out List now on www

On Wed, Jul 08, 1998 at 01:57:40PM -0400, Raul Miller wrote:
> Hmm... I'm puzzling over bugs 22877 and 22878.
> First, that xdm leaves the socket open is a bug, but it isn't a
> release-critical bug. Applications that don't know about the socket
> (that is, everthing but xbase) will, in general, ignore it entirely.
> Second, that xbase has the socket open is a security bug, simply because
> it's an undocumented service (XDMCP is documented as using UDP port 177,
> so it can't be that).

Well, I'd say that "second" overrides "first".  Because it's a security
bug, it's a bug in general.  And security bugs are always of severity
important or greater.

> Third, I don't understand bug report 22877 at all, there doesn't even
> seem to be a reported problem, it's just random information.

See 22878.  The guy forgot to include his config information.  The two bugs
are merged for that reason.

> Fourth, I was going to pull down a copy of the source from
> ftp.debian.org, (to a solaris machine that has plenty of free disk space
> and is generally being unused), but.. it downloaded without errors, it
> uncompressed without errors, but when I tried to untar it, tar died
> before it got to the xdm sources complaining of "directory checksum
> error".

That, I don't understand.  Incompatibility between GNU tar and Sun tar??

G. Branden Robinson                 |  Somebody once asked me if I thought sex
Purdue University                   |  was dirty.  I said, "It is if you're
branden@purdue.edu                  |  doing it right."
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |  -- Woody Allen

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