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Re: access

Michael Dietrich wrote:
> hi,
> i copied a harddisk with tar (kind of tar -c -f - | tar -x -f - -C
> /copy...) and lost a lot of accessinformation. it seems, that the
> umask dropped all the rights for writing for group and other. shure i
> didn't read the manual and thi sbehavier may be a feature, not a bug.
> but now i've got a debian system with wrong access rights. i could fix
> /dev, cause MAKEDEV does this. now im looking for a similar skript for
> the other dirs. i think it would be importand to check those access
> rights from time to time. kind of konsistency check on files and
> dirs especially in /var would be nice.

Hi Michael,

To preserve the permissions with tar the command to use is:

tar -cz --same-owner [-p | --same-permissions | --preserve-permissions] -f filename.tgz

this will create a tar file with same owner and file permissions. 
I don't understand the subtle differences between the -p 
--same-permissions or the --preserve-permissions, but only 
one is needed.  also when extracting the file I think that the
--same-owner and the --same-permissions must be set.  

Hope that this helps

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