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Re: VI reasons (was Re: Base Set: Suggested additions & removals.)

>>"Marcus" == Marcus Brinkmann <Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de> writes:

 Marcus> Oh, cool.

 Marcus> "DEBIAN: Sorry, you need a ph.d. in computer science,
 Marcus> 10-year-experience in unix system administration or a good
 Marcus> handbook on the obscure "vi" program before you can edit a
 Marcus> file during installation process.  Don't even think of
 Marcus> installing it."

 Marcus> Nice.

	Frankly, is is a disservice to introduce anyone with that
 opinion to Linux, for they shall never be able to take care of the
 machine itself, and they shall go away bad mouthing Debian. Actually,
 anyone who thinks they need a PhD or 10 year experience in unix
 sysadmin to use vi have probably attained neither (and definitely
 can't attain the latter); and we should do our ver best to keep them
 well away from computers, and probably matches and sharp objects as


 One is not righteous if one decides a case without due consideration,
 but the wise man who takes into account both for and against, and
 comes to his decision about others with due consideration - such a
 man of discrimination who keeps to the truth, he is to be called
 righteous. 256, 257
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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