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Re: VI reasons (was Re: Base Set: Suggested additions & removals.)

> It is the only editor that you can count on being there if all else fails
> and it's absence or replacement would be VERY notable to those who expect
> vi. 

editor.exe is the only editor that you can count on being there if all else
fails and it's absence or replacement would be VERY notable to those who
expect editor.exe

lets do a ratio of dos/win* users that will install linux,
and unix users that will install linux. you have lost.

hey, i'm useing linux for a long time, and i expect
joe to be there. 

vi would fit if we were talking about unix. but this is debian gnu/linux,
and not unix, and so it's not vi or edlin or emacs : it's joe.

everyone can use joe. it might be very frustrateing but it's possible.

i can't use emacs, and my neighbor can't use vi.
and even i as a 100% vim user rather like to use joe than a cut down vi where
lots of functionality is missing. 

> again, I've used vi on over 20 platforms each running various OS's over
> the past 12+ years.

no new linux user is supposed to do that.
should i go out and find someone who used edlin
and editor.exe in the last 12+ years ?

linux isn't a new unix, there is lots of spirit from the windows world.

> if all else fails.  When I got stuck in ae the first few times, I ended
> up running to another machine to make a disk with vi on it because I had
> more important things to think about (and repair) than to try to work
> around a strange editor.

<me too> i'm  useing sed or stuff like this - it's better than ae or 
that broken vi (emulation ?). more often i create new files with echo.

> Like I said, overall, I think this issue is being discussed on a comfort
> level right now.  I think we should really be hashing out whether or not
> we want to cater to newbies (ae) or to experienced systems admins (vi).
> I'm for the latter, but that's only my opinion....

i don't give a peny for experienced system admins.
we always find our way to repair a system up to the point where we can
install vim.deb ... 

and newbies who like ae ? i don't know anybody.
lets give the newbies a real editor, and we unix sysadmins can either use that
one too, or continue with our sed/echo/*** hacks.

> Also, why not just offer two different disks if possible?

why not create a cdrom with a live filesystem and all available editors on it?
the contrib cdrom is still pretty empty ...


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