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Re: VI reasons (was Re: Base Set: Suggested additions & removals.)

On Wed, 10 Jun 1998, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> If vi would fit on the rescue disk, do you think we would be discussing
> ae?

I guess not, then...

> To be able to do an install with the rescue disk the space priorities
> don't allow anything but ae in that environment. When you can get vi's
> binary size down to the footprint of ae, I will be glad to replace it.
> Until then all talk of superior usability are nothing but talk. It will
> not fit.

Maybe this should be worked on, then.  I'll see what I can do with my
limited resources and time, but I'm doubtful that it will fit no matter
what we do :-(

Hmmmm....any way we could compress it and uncompress it into a ramdisk?
Just an idea...I know it's more trouble than just keeping ae, but I'm
trying :)


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